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shell has been an artist since birth, maybe even before she entered into this realm.
The Redwood City Tribune remarked at her artistry in an article in the society pages circa 1961. That was over 40 years ago! The love of art and the outlet it provided helped this artist through many horrendous years of torment and pain, first as a young child and then again many years later as an adult.

shell was a professional musician for nearly twenty years and didn't venture into painting nor photography until a major illness rendered her bedridden. She spent many years in bed learning her computer and before long was creating graphic art. shell traveled around the country and her photography started to breathe life back into her soul. In the Feb.  2000 shell rose to an amazing sunrise at the Grand Canyon and from there her life took a whole new course. She found a wonderful church, her health started to come back and her art became a part of who she was, not something she "did."

shell celebrates recovery and you will find links to learn more about that subject on this web site. shell's husband is an incredible artist unto himself and her greatest inspiration.

Today shell doesn't have nearly the time she once had to create her art, she and her husband foster/adopted 6 children.

shell is a student at AAU in SF and currently writing a number of books including an autobiography.

*small s represents the small child inside                                      self portrait  Self Portrait 2004

Hi, I am shell

I have the best life that a human being could imagine having. I must take this space to tell you that it is only by the grace of God that any of this is possible. I truly am nestled in the loving potter's hands. He gives me the soul and I desire to capture it in glimpses and pieces and give it to you. My health appears to only get better as time goes by, and giving back to others seems to be the key to a joyful life. I love God, my family and art in all of it's wonderful forms. Please let us know if there is anything we can create for you. I truly hope that you find something that you like.

God bless you,
